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Du wirst es nicht glauben Probiere unser veganes GulaschRezept und berrasche deine Familie

Veganes Gulasch Rezept

Emmy has written to you about the events at the conference in Freudenstadt. I am … grateful for your letter, it is valuable and I am keeping it among my papers. The witness I could give in Freudenstadt based on church history and the literature about the life of Jesus had a strong impact on the course of the conference. I am enclosing a short report that I wrote for the Neuwerk circle.

A strong sense of community began to develop among people from the conservative right wing and people with a new vision of a common life. The witness of Jesus, Paul, Augustine, and Luther transcended the far right and the far left and welded us together. For this I am greatly indebted to you for all your help.


Today I have a small surprise and I hope it will work for you. I would like to visit you arriving Monday evening 5:30 p.m., August 11th until Thursday the 14th (or Wednesday evening). Should I leave Thursday at 5:45 a. m. I could stay with Betty [his sister] for the last night, so that I would not disturb you so early in the morning. I’m hoping we can spend Tuesday and Wednesday together to visit and share. Other meetings or lectures … will not … for this short visit.

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The enclosures will indicate … the purpose of my visit. The following is of course a publisher’s secret … the old publishing house Kober, Spittler’s successor … founded in 18… and our Sannerz Publishing House are preparing an agreement on a joint venture. We want to publish an extensive series of decisive Christian witnesses of all centuries. We want to produce four books every year, each with ten or so signatures. I am enclosing a copy of the agreement and of the draft list of men whose words we want to publish. The list is provisional and sketchy and can be totally changed.

And this is my big request to you: could you devote your thorough knowledge in this field to this great task of our publishing house? Your insights would come to fruition for this our life’s work and make it blossom.

For my visit of August 12th and 13th I’m hoping we can consider the words of Christians whose witness has made a decisive impact. Then we’ll need to decide who among present day scholars could best take on the various volumes. I don’t need to tell you how glad I would be if you could take on one or two of the books in the series, but I don’t want to over-burden you with this idea.

Endlich Bei Dir In Virgin River

I am so looking forward to my visit with you and to telling you about our children and all our undertakings and tasks.

Would a visit from me fit in your summer plans? I would come … arriving in Breslau on the 11th at 5:30 p.m. I would be very happy to see you again and to exchange thoughts, because I do not manage to do so by letter. In this respect and many others too, I resemble Papa more and more as I grow older: I much prefer conversations and intellectual work to letter writing.

There is so very much I want to tell you. Since the New Year we have found such a good working rhythm—better than before.

Melvins Striking A Chord

My first stop on this trip to you will be a major lecturing program in Halle on the Saale [River]. Then I’ll be at a youth conference near Gräfenhainichen in our sister community at the Breitewitzer Mill. Next I’ll be at a small convention of the Free Germans in Wittenberg and Berlin: they are experiencing an increasingly strong call from Christ. Following that I’ll attend a leadership conference of the YMCA in Saarow near Fürstenwalde on the Spree [River].

I can only suggest the above two days, because the dates for all these other events have of course been prearranged. If you happen to be up in the mountains for these days, then I will definitely join you there. That would be a special joy. I would also love to spend time with Betty [his sister] and Klemens and the children. I expect Betty will have returned from Flinsberg by then.

Our Emmy-Margret will be baptized Sunday, July 27. With all our hearts we ask you both to join us in Sannerz for this day, if you possibly can.


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Hans Klassen writes that they are looking forward to having time with Eberhard at the conference to talk about everything. He hopes Emmy and Else will come too.

Please bring books for sale and songbooks too. The 10 books that Wally brought from you have already been sold in Sosa. When we get together here we’ll balance the account. Adolf wrote to tell us about the preparations and sent us copies of his fine, printed materials. We will do as much as we can and await God’s help for the day [of the conference], that he might grant us earnestness and thoroughness. Looking forward to being together again, with greetings of love,

A warm-hearted letter from Eberhard’s sister Betty. She writes about her family and hopes Eberhard will stay at her house at least half-a-day on his up-coming visit to the area.

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Anna would like to spend the first weeks of the summer vacation in Sannerz, possibly rooming in a nearby hotel. She needs travel and accommodation information etc.

Kurt Ernst and his wife Lotte write asking about the truth of very critical statements Lotte’s sister, Friedel Günther, has made to them about Sannerz.


Thank you very much for the 100 marks you sent for our work. We are writing on behalf of Eberhard Arnold, who will write to you personally very soon.

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Hilde asks if Louise Kolb, eleven years old, can come to Sannerz for four weeks, to begin with. Louise’s father can contribute to her financial support.

The hours we spent together in Stuttgart are a happy memory for me. You ask whether you could come and help us here in Sannerz in the coming August and September. After conferring with the others of our household we are glad to tell you that we all look forward to your coming this August and September, and to working together. We are enclosing our “Letter to our Visitors” which will give you a clear picture of our communal way of living. Personally invited guests will, of course, share our mealtimes.

I thank you for your letter with your trustful questions, all of which I will gladly answer. I must write quite briefly, because just at the moment we have very much to do.

Schlüsselprinzipien Der Human Factors

I have raised no grounds of complaint against Friedel, and have made no petition for her to be declared incapable of managing her own affairs. I rather have the point of view which I have shared with you in several letters (e.g. in my letter of April 24); as guardian I must of course also represent the board of guardians. The district court demands the formulation that the personal right for the education of her child is taken away from Friedel for the time being and until, over a longer period of time, she has proved that we can personally entrust the child to her in a normal situation where she can care for her bodily, mentally and spiritually. Naturally, as guardian I was obliged to give to the chief of guardians, the District Court Councilor Hengstenberger insight into all situations and relationships so that he also has knowledge of the facts enclosed in your letter. Moreover, I shared with you in my letter of April 24 that I would speak to the District court.


What I did not know was that Suschen will be going to Frankfurt on July 15. This cannot happen without the agreement of the board of guardians at Schlüchtern, to which, as a guardian, I belong. I heard from Suse Hungar that Friedel will take legal action against you and will reject me as guardian. Naturally, I would gladly withdraw from the guardianship when the authorities appoint another guardian. In future it should be arranged at the meeting of the Board of Guardians through the Youth Welfare Department.

Klein Suschen is quite well. It does not surprise us that we cannot reckon with any feeling of community or thankfulness, also in the care of Klein Suschen. It also surprised me that Suse Hungar did not visit you both. Probably she had only limited time. I cannot say more than that she is not yet back from her journey for relaxation.

Correspondence, February 1925

Amongst us, there has never been any gossip about your marriage. Please do not think any more that for this reason we leave you and Lotte out of our considerations. When, for example together with Erich Hermann we have thought about you, it was in friendliness both from our side and equally from Erich Hermann's, and with the best of thoughts for you. It is true that Friedel made remarks about you which were not nice, but we never placed too much weight on them; but even

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